Common English Proverbs

Proverbs reveal a country’s culture more than any textbook can. Proverbs play a crucial role in engaging people of a particular culture fluently.
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Proverbs originate from their particular countries. They are short, wise, and traditional sayings to offer life advice or share universal truths. Native speakers often use proverbs without realization in their conversations. Sometimes, proverbs reveal a country’s culture more than any textbook can. Proverbs play a crucial role in engaging people of a particular culture fluently. The following proverbs are some of the many proverbs in English:

“A stitch in time saves nine”

Meaning: The problem should be solved as soon as possible rather than wait for it to become larger and more difficult to resolve. By working efficiently and quickly or taking action now, we can prevent time wasting later.

Example : “You had better bring your phone to the service center while it’s still working, because a stitch in time saves nine.”

“You can’t judge a book by its cover.”

Meaning: It warns people not to make assumptions based solely on appearance. Just because something appears one way does not imply that it is that way.

Example : “In Los Angeles, you can’t judge a book by its cover because some of the richest people shop
in jeans and T-shirts.”

“Honesty is the best policy.”

Meaning: It is always best, to be honest, and tell the truth even though it can be tempting to withhold
information (or) lie. Although it might not be easy to be open and truthful, by doing so, you will become
trustworthy and worthy of respect in other people’s eyes.

Example: “I don’t want to get caught in an embarrassing situation in the future, so I will stick to honesty
is the best policy.”

“Time heals all wounds”

Meaning: It portrays the process of healing after tragedy. The idea is that people will slowly feel better and the pain will eventually go away. The wounds here apply to both physical injuries and emotional injuries. Time doesn’t necessarily heal all wounds completely, but it is an important factor in the healing process. Without time, people would never get the chance to process their perceptions and overcome their pain. Time is the best medicine in many cases.

Example: “Will I forgive? Eventually, Time heals all wounds, after all. Will I forget? Never.”

“Better late than never”

Meaning: It is always best to get things done on time, but being late is better than never. This proverb
encourages people to finish what they have started, even if it takes longer than expected.


  • Person A: “Sorry it took me 2 years to pay you back the $800 I borrowed.”
  • Person B: “Thanks, it’s better late than never.”

“Haste makes waste”

Meaning: It warns not to rush to take actions without thinking well about them first. We often make
mistakes when we are in a hurry.

Example: “Make sure you take your time and check the files carefully. Remember, haste makes waste.”


If possible, memorize as many proverbs as possible and use them when speaking and writing English. This will greatly expand your vocabulary and improve your English.

Content Writer by Win Win Maw

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