Education and Career

You may have heard that most university students complain that they are losing their way.
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You may have heard that most university students complain that they are losing their way.

“Should I continue to study?”  “Should I get into the workspace?” When it is really vague, the slang is “I am losing my way.”

So, why do you lose your way?

If you are being like ” Don’t know what to do after school. Even if you decide to get into the workspace but there is no suitable work. So, it means still walking but getting lost.

Most of the university students have been lost for more than two years and it has been almost three years. Especially for final year students, it is time to make a clear decision.

Before you choose, here are a few highlights. 

Is the major you are studying in the university the same as the job you prefer to work in the future? If an exact answer still does not  come out, let’s try again for a while.

  1. What is your childhood dream?
  2. Are the dreams still the same even when you get older?
  3. Is it necessary to have a university education for your dream?

Inconsistency can occur like “I wanted to be a doctor when I was young, but now I want to be a tour guide. I want to be a writer instead of an economist etc.” You will need to listen carefully to your soul.

You have to start with small changes to duplicate your decision and action.

Every decision is a map or a road for your future. If we say, Is education necessary or not for a career path that we’ll choose? The answer will be necessary. Education is knowledge, it is the best conscience that can distinguish right or wrong all the way of your life.

A university education is the first step to improve your career path. Then,only you can have the best things by taking several steps.  In reality, there are several differences between a university education and your career. There are also questions for young people who have not found a suitable career with them yet. Some young people know their career since they were young, but some know only after changing two or three jobs.  They know their career only after they change about three times. If you haven’t found a suitable job until the age of thirty, you can’t say it is too late.

How do you know that you and your career are in synchronization?

This question is not very difficult. Because a person cannot stay for long in a place where he or she is not happy. For example, would someone who likes to learn about marketing, can be comfortable in accounting? Instead of giving service to customers, being exposed to numbers, laptops and calculators is like living in a cage. In the era that is changing by the second, it becomes a challenge to be able to choose the right career. You have to check whether it’s a choice that comes from the inside of your metal.

  • What is your chosen career?
  • Which path will you take?
  • What skills are needed?
  • Where to start?  It is also necessary to know.

Remember, everyone’s career and education are not the same. You should not be ashamed of this. Choosing the right career can truly give you happiness. Nothing is too late to make the right decision.

These things are urgently needed when you start to take a step into a new field.

1) Face the things that make you afraid

First, you may wonder if the current situation will get worse if you choose this job. And afraid to get out of the comfort zone is like a child who doesn’t dare to go into the dark because it is dangerous.

2) Must be known what skills are needed

For example, let’s say you want to become a YouTube creator. First of all, you need to know the policies which are set by YouTube. How do successful channels create content? What are the standards for monetizing a channel? You must be known precisely, for example what kind of creations do you want to show your viewers?

3) Pass through the difficulty

In a live video of Coaching Arabelle Yee, No matter what other peoples say there are many difficulties and it can not be possible about the path you are taking to your goal. You don’t need to care if it is not from someone who’s successful in that field. Just keep doing what you have to do and ignore them. The art of ignoring skills is really needed.

4) Establish A Career Plan

Your plan must be a long-term plan not for the short term one. Must be exact. Everything you are doing in the present has a direct impact on your future career. When you start to try to enter a field, the acceptance of people in that field is very important.You should try by yourself fairly, do not follow shortcuts and need to be the best creations. Otherwise, it will end up like a word famous for fleeting.

Translated by Thiri

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