What is GED?

GED is an exam which recognizes high school academic qualifications for students who have not yet obtained the matriculation examination pass certificate and it is also known as the General Education Diploma.
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Are you someone who wants to get a good career or a good degree in the future?

Are you a student who is at a standstill in education and has not finished high school at the moment?

What is GED?

GED is an exam which recognizes high school academic qualifications for students who have not yet obtained the matriculation examination pass certificate and it is also known as the General Education Diploma.

Who can participate in this exam?

Those who have not finished high school and any young person who is at least 16 years old can apply.

How many subjects are there in GED?

There are four subjects including 

  • Mathematical reasoning
  • Reasoning through language arts
  • Science and 
  • Social studies.

How much will it cost to take the GED exam?

Exam fees will be 80$ for each subject and it will cost 320$ for all subjects in total.

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GED is a computer test  and must be taken at a test centre. You can also take the online test by booking in advance on GED’s official website ged.com

How long will the exam duration be?

As for the exam duration, it will take 7.5 hours in total as 

  • Mathematical reasoning ➢115 minutes [ no break]
  • Reasoning through language arts ➢150 minutes [ 10 mins break] 
  • Science ➢90 minutes(no break) and 
  • Social studies ➢70 minutes(no break).

How much is the passing score?

Each subject has a total of 200 points and getting at least 145 points will pass the exam. There are three types of passing score level.

🥉 145-164 points ⇒ GED passing score

  • At this level, you will get a GED credential.

🥈 165-174 points ⇒ College ready score

  • If you are at this level, it means that you are qualified to study in college. You can even get exemptions from the requirements such as ACT (or) SAT scores submission and taking college entrance exams.

🥇 175-200 points ⇒ College ready+credit score

  • It is similar to the college ready score level and you will get college credits according to the college you apply to.

If you want to know about the universities which accept GED, you can search for the university you want to apply using this link. ged.com/en/university-acceptance

 We hope every youth who has lost their way due to various reasons will find their way.

Translated by Shun

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