Lann Thit : Limitless Thriving

Hype Think Education [Hype Community], have brought a program named “Lann Thit : Limitless Thriving” 12 Weeks Program which you could use your time effectively to achieve your desired goals in [2025].
Unlock Your Future with us
Unlock Your Future with us
Hype Think Education [Hype Community], have brought a program named “Lann Thit : Limitless Thriving” 12 Weeks Program which you could use your time effectively to achieve your desired goals in [2025].
"Hype Mel" physical event to elevate youth lifestyles to the next level. We bring the event called "Hype Mel" by the collaboration of our Hype Think Education [Hype Community] and MELISSA for the youth, from teenage to middle age, with the purpose to build a better lifestyle.
In collaboration with Hype Think Education, NextGen Impact, and ASEAN Youth Advocates Network Myanmar, three organisations executing many benefit programs for youth, we will be holding a ‘Han’ personal grooming on-ground event that will be unique and special to all.
From 2024, "2+3=5" workshop organized by PFES and Hype Think Education, Consortium of Psychological Education and Supportive Psychology, to improve physically and become a successful future.