Lann Thit : Limitless Thriving

Hype Think Education [Hype Community], have brought a program named “Lann Thit : Limitless Thriving” 12 Weeks Program which you could use your time effectively to achieve your desired goals in [2025].
Unlock Your Future with us
Unlock Your Future with us
Hype Think Education [Hype Community], have brought a program named “Lann Thit : Limitless Thriving” 12 Weeks Program which you could use your time effectively to achieve your desired goals in [2025].
From 2024, "2+3=5" workshop organized by PFES and Hype Think Education, Consortium of Psychological Education and Supportive Psychology, to improve physically and become a successful future.
There is a lot of diversity in the world. Based on Ethnicity, perception and opinion, each person or group of people can be found in differences. It is really important to have social harmony called ‘Social Cohesion’ in order for these different people to live peacefully together as a proverb ‘Diversity is the power’. That is why we brought ‘Cohesion Crafters’ event to become Cohesion Crafter.
It is undeniable that everyone has to overcome the mental problem called 'Depression.' Even though it was difficult to handle, there was a solution to deal with this depression that destroys our happy vibes. We organized this workshop to share this solution with everyone.