“Hype Mel” physical event to elevate youth lifestyles to the next level. We bring the event called “Hype Mel” by the collaboration of our Hype Think Education [Hype Community] and MELISSA for the youth, from teenage to middle age, with the purpose to build a better lifestyle.
At the event of Hype Mel,
- Panel Discussion Session
- Booth Session and
- Game Session will be included to create a supportive environment
where you can express your opinions and experiences transparently. In addition, there will also be a refreshment session. So, please read detailed information about the topics we will discuss and other interesting sessions in each picture below.
The “Hype Mel” Event is appropriate for those who want advice from the mentors, those who want to expand networking and spend valuable time in a supportive environment. So, if you are interested, please register without delay.
Register Form : bit.ly/HypeMelRegisterForm
Panel Discussion Session

In the panel discussion session of the “Hype Mel” physical event, [3] panelists who are experts in each professional field will be discussed about ~
- To get mental well-being and how to maintain it.
- Comprehensive Sexuality Education [CSE] to learn about sexual and reproductive health.
- Youth Empowerment, in order to realize the trials and opportunities that are faced by the youth.
Along with these three main topics, we will discuss, and you will be able to participate in the discussion and also ask questions.
We will announce the three panelists who will lead the discussion session in the upcoming days. So, please stay turned on.
Game and Booth Sessions

There will be other fantastic sessions in addition to the panel discussion session in the “Hype Mel” physical event.
- Firstly, we will make a game session where you can play fascinating games to get familiar and get a positive connection with each other.
- Furthermore, there will also be a booth session that will provide many benefits and expand networking.
Date and Location

The detailed informations of the “Hype Mel” physical event are ~
- Date: October 13, 2024 [ Sunday ]
- Time: 11:00 AM ~ 3:00 PM
- Location: ILS Academy [ Yangon ]
- Registration Fee : Free
So, this event is suitable for youth who want to get advice from experts, expand networking, and get a special time in a supportive environment. We would like to invite you to attend, so please register without delay.
Register Form : bit.ly/HypeMelRegisterForm
Panelist Announcement
Announcement of a panelist who will engage in discourse on youth empowerment in the “Hype Mel” Physical Event.
Panelist : Hype Mel Event [ Tr.Wyutyee ]

Now that, by the collaboration of ‘Hype Think Education [Hype Community]’ and ‘MELISSA’, the “Hype Mel” Physical Event, which will be held in Yangon, aims to find the solutions to all the obstacles that are faced in youthhood and to grab opportunities.
Today, we are going to announce one of the panelists of the panel discussion.
The panelist who will discuss in order to guide the youth who don’t know which pathways are appropriate for them in the panel discussion of the “Hype Mel” Physical Event is ‘Tr.Wyutyee’.
- Tr.Wyutyee is a founder of the ‘Youth Centre Association’ and got a diploma in marketing [UK] in 2024, and she also graduated in 2020 with a bachelor of engineering [information technology] and a bachelor of technology [information technology].
- Currently, she is studying ‘Master of Business Administration [UK, MBA]’ and standing as a founder & teacher, professional trainer & freelance consultant.
- During six years, more than ten thousand trainees and more than a thousand YC members were released. And also opened many youth development programs.
- In addition, she is also sharing knowledge with external youth organisations as her purpose.
Tr.Wyutyee will discuss the psychological perception that youth mainly need and how to deal with life’s obstacles under the topic of ‘Youth Empowerment’ in the panel discussion of the “Hype Mel” Physical Event.
In addition, not only panel discussions on the topics of mental health, comprehensive sexuality education [CES], and youth empowerment will be included in the “Hype Mel” Physical Event; there will also be fantastic game & booth sessions.
Then, if you want to get advice from Tr. Wyutyee and step up to your dream in the panel discussion session, you can register as soon as possible to attend the “Hype Mel” event at https://bit.ly/HypeMelRegisterForm.
Panelist : Hype Mel Event [ Ma Pwint Phyu Win]
Announcement of a panelist who will discuss the topic ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education [CSE] in the “Hype Mel” Physical Event

There will be a “Hype Mel” Physical Event hosted by the collaboration of ‘Hype Think Education [Hype Community]’ and ‘MELISSA’, which will be held in Yangon in order to gain a better awareness of the aspects that youth will encounter in their lives, from teenage to middle-aged.
Right now, we are going to announce another panelist who will participate in the “Hype Mel” event’s panel discussion.
A panelist who will discuss sexual and reproductive health knowledge that is faced among adult youth based on the topic ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education [CSE]’ is ‘Ma Pwint Phyu Win’.
- Ma Pwint Phyu Win is a pharmacist with over [18] years of experience in the medical field.
- In 2005, she graduated from the University of Pharmacy [Mandalay] and started her career at Nyein Hospital and DKSH. Also a founder of the ‘Myat Thu Kha Pharmacy’, which has been serving the community over [13] years.
- To develop the medical sector, she also founded the ‘CARE Pharmacy’ in Monywa.
- On the 31st of May, 2020, Ma Pwint Phyu Win started to launch a Facebook page ‘Ma Pwint Phyu Win – Pharmacist’ in order to share medical knowledge, and right now, she is providing 911 K followers’ medical questions.
- Ma Pwint Phyu Win is an enthusiast to help upgrade the medical sector in Myanmar by sharing knowledge.
In that case, she will discuss sexual health problems that are faced by both men and women and knowledge needs for long-term reproductive health in the panel discussion of the “Hype Mel” Physical Event.
In addition, not only panel discussions on the topics of mental health, comprehensive sexuality education [CES], and youth empowerment will be included in the “Hype Mel” Physical Event; there will also be fantastic game & booth sessions.
So, you can attend the “Hype Mel” event by registering at bit.ly/HypeMelRegisterForm if you want to create a supportive community among youth by learning sexual knowledge and reproductive health from Ma Pwint Phyu Win.
Panelist : Hype Mel Event [ Ma Hlaing Thazin Aung ]
Announcement of a panelist who will discuss the topic ‘Mental Health in the “Hype Mel” Physical Event

There will be a “Hype Mel” Physical Event hosted by the collaboration of ‘Hype Think Education [Hype Community]’ and ‘MELISSA’ that will be held in Yangon in order to overcome obstacles and gain advice and knowledge.
Today, we will continue to announce the next panelist who will participate in the “Hype Mel” Physical Event’s discussion session.
The panelist who will share the topic ‘Mental Health’ as well as other mental-related issues and knowledge in the “Hype Mel” event’s panel discussion session is ‘Ma Hlaing Thazin Aung’.
“Ma Hlaing Thazin Aung” ဟာဆိုရင် ~
- Ma Hlaing Thazin Aung is working as a wellness counselor in the Citta Counselor and also participated in the internship program batch [6] of the Citta Counselor. Besides, she learned from the training of the wellness counselors in the mental health field.
- Academy Of Care Program Cohort [3]
- Level-1 Relation Facilitation [Today Psychology Classes]
- Trauma Competency Training [Else Thiebou, Certified Clinical Psychologist]
- Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Counselling Skills Training [Counselling Corner]
- Basic Child Psychology [L.A Professional Group]
- Suicide Prevention Training [Serenity Mental Health Services]
- Intensive Suicide Prevention Training [Jue Jue’s Safe Space]
- Art Therapy Beginner Course [Art Of Healing]
‘Ma Hlaing Thazin Aung’, who is already an expert in the mental health counseling fields like this, will discuss the psychological consequences of the stress, methods to solve it, and other psychological knowledge in the panel discussion of the “Hype Mel” Physical Event.
After getting advice from the panel discussions on the topics of mental health, comprehensive sexuality education [CES], and youth empowerment in the supportive zone of the “Hype Mel” Physical Event, there will be fascinating game & booth sessions. So, we would like to advise you not to miss out and grab the chance.
The “Hype Mel” Physical Event will be held on October 13, 2024 [Sunday] from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at ILS Academy [Yangon], and you can read details about the physical event at: bit.ly/HypeMel.
So, to attend the “Hype Mel” Physical Event, that will support just like a step-up of the lives ladder, please register at bit.ly/HypeMelRegisterForm and receive good advice based on the experiences of ‘Ma Hlaing Thazin Aung’, which will be shared through the panel discussion.
In the coming days, we will go ahead to share the other information of the “Hype Mel” Physical Event. So, don’t forget to press like & follow and keep waiting for it.
Register Form : bit.ly/HypeMelRegisterForm